الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2016

int.zsmu.edu.ua Univerisity

General information
The main objective of the University is to provide higher medical education for Specialist’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, as well as postgraduate training in internship, mastership, postgraduate study, residency and refresher courses for physicians and pharmacists.
There are 7 Faculties at the University (Medical Faculty No. 1, Medical Faculty No. 2, two Pharmaceutical Faculties (intramural and extramural), International Faculty No.1, International Faculty No.2, Faculty of Postgraduate Education), Medical College and University Clinic for 160 patients and 250 consultations at polyclinic.
The training at the University includes pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate periods of study. Foreign students are trained at the International Faculty No.1 for further studies at higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
During their training at the University both Ukrainian and foreign students get higher education for the Specialist’s and Master’s degrees (“General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”, “Technology of Perfume-Cosmetic Preparations”).
Postgraduate education includes training in internship, mastership and postgraduate study in 29 specialties, in doctoral candidacy – in 12 specialties, as well as refresher courses for physicians and pharmacists.
10200 students, postgraduates, interns, students of refresher courses, teachers-probationers, masters and clinical residents study at the University. There are more than 1800 foreign students from 42 countries at the University. 1024 students are taught in English. The University has gained authority and recognition by training foreign citizens from Asia, Africa, Latin Americaand Europe for more than 40 years. About 10500 specialists have got medical and pharmaceutical education and are working now in more than 100 countries of the world, taking up high positions in the public health systems of their countries.
At Zaporozhye State Medical University students acquire knowledge subject to the requirements of the European system of education. The academic curricula are based on the best models of native and foreign practice of specialists’ training.
Students, bachelors, interns, masters, postgraduates, teachers working for Doctor’s degree as well as students of refresher courses study at 59 departments. 56 departments are headed by Professors/Doctors of sciences, 3 departments are headed by Associate Professors/PhDs. The training is carried out with the use of the most modern scientific and pedagogical technologies.
There are 676lecturers at the University in 2014: 120 Professors and Doctors of Sciences, 444 Associate Professors and PhDs are engaged in scientific-pedagogic work. There are one Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 46 members of International Academies of Sciences and International Scientific Societies, 8 Honorary Science and Engineering Workers of Ukraine, 1 Honorary worker of Higher School of Ukraine, 4 State Prize Winners, 5 Prize Winners of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, 1 Prize Winner of National Academy of Sciences and Medical Academy of Sciences named after V.P. Komisarenko, 1 Prize Winner of the President of Ukraine, 2 Prize Winner of the Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine, 3 Honorary Physicians of Ukraine among them.
The scientific schools of the University are well known outside Ukraine. Cardiological, surgery, pharmaceutical schools are among them. For the first time in Ukraine the specialists of Zaporozhye State Medical University have successfully performed the transplantations of heart. More than 500 transplantations of liver, kidney and pancreas have been performed. More than 20 preparations have been worked out by the scientists of the pharmaceutical school, produced and brought into medical practice in many countries abroad. The results of scientific work were reported at international forums in Sweden, Czech Republic, Spain, Holland, Brazil and Austria. The University has its own scientific editions: "Zaporozhye Medical Journal",  "Current issues in pharmacy and medicine:science and practice",  "Pathology".
There is a developed infrastructure of scientific units at the University including SRI (Scientific Research Institute ) of medical and ecological problems, Institute of clinical pathology of a man, SMA “Pharmatron”, central scientific research laboratory, certification-testing laboratory of perfume and cosmetic preparations and household products, department of doctoral candidacy and postgraduate study, editorial publishing department, Center of informatics and analytical support and testing, patent department, scientific research division, metrology service. Scientific Research Institute and laboratories are equipped with unique facilities for conducting fundamental and applied scientific researches.
There are Specialized Councils of Higher Attestation Commission for defense of Candidate and Doctor Degrees in different specialties. 30 theses for Doctor’s degree in 23 specialties and 143 theses for Candidate’s degree in 35 specialties were defended at the University during the last five years. 35 theses of Doctor’s degree and 137 theses for Candidate’s degree are being fulfilled ate the University according to the plan of preparation of scientific and pedagogical specialists. The University publishes periodic scientific and practical journals: “Zaporizhzhia medical journal”“Pathology““Current issues in pharmacy and medicine:science and practice“, 10-15 All-Ukrainian scientific-research and practical conferences with international participation are held annually.
The introduction of computer technologies into the teaching-studying process, scientific research and management is one of the priority-driven University's activities. 42 computer classrooms and 1300 PC provide students with academic curricula based on multimedia technologies and test control in the main disciplines. ZSMU has its own information Internet server. There is a centre of telemedicine and distance learning at the University which provides the participation in international scientific conferences held on the basis of videoconference technologies, organization and holding of scientific-methods videoconferences, organization of distance refresher courses for University teaching staff, using of distance technologies in training of students by correspondence.
Zaporozhye State Medical University is a participant of the International program Tempus. According to grant TEMPUS IV University fulfills the international program «Establishment of the Supra-Regional Network of the National Centers in Medical Education, focused on PBL and Virtual Patients», collaborates with a recognized language center Canadian College of English language (Vancouver, Canada) to improve the English language in online mode.ZSMU signed agreements on collaboration with Kirov State Medical Academy, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University, Andijan State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan), Astana Medical University (Kazakhstan), Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan), Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece), St. George University of London (Great Britain), Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia), David Tvildiany Medical University (Georgia), Wroclaw Medical University (Poland), Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic), the University of Nicosia (Cyprus), I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russia), Grodno State Medical University (Belarus), RīgaStradiņš University (Latvia),Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Institute (Russia), Plovdiv Medical University (Bulgaria), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania).
Zaporozhye State Medical University takes one of the first places in Ukraine in technical-material supply. The prestige of the University is formed by the availability of its own training facilities. Zaporozhye State Medical University is one of the few medical higher educational institutions in Ukraine that has its own training-scientific center “University Clinic” in which practical classes are conducted and medical aid is delivered. The University has the unique equipment: computer tomographs, devices for ultrasonic diagnosis, angiographic and endoscopic checkup, radioisotope diagnosis and many others to conduct fundamental and applied scientific investigations.
There is an electronic library and electronic catalogue in the scientific library of the University. The users have access to the electronic database of the library and can carry out a search from any computer connected with Internet and get full text-books.
Zaporozhye State Medical University looks like a student campus on the picturesque bank of the river Dnieper, the biggest river in Europe. It is a detached territory on which there are 5 academic buildings, 5 hostels, scientific and belletristic literature libraries with reading halls and computer rooms, medical centre, student's sanatorium-dispensary, several canteens and cafes, sports center, courts and stadium. There is an amateur art club for students who are keen on singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. Ukrainian historical and cultural parties, festivals of international friendship, competition parties are held at ZSMU.
All academic building, hostels, scientific library have access to Internet. There are Wi-Fi access points at the territory of the University. The student campus is under of the University security round-the-clock. The campus and hostels are equipped with the means of video surveillance and control.

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Astana Medical University is authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and established as an Academy in the year 1997. Astana Medical University a preferred choice of a majority of students looking for low cost MBBS.


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